[Gmsh] Coïncidence noeuds/points

Gerard Fleury gerard.fleury at inrs.fr
Tue Jun 2 09:59:43 CEST 2009


Thank you very much for you answer. This is logical but this is not a solution
for my task.

The end task I want achieve is to mesh a surface, with some nodes located at some 
given positions. These nodes may be located on the surface boundary (on the lines) as well
as in the middle of the surface. 
I need these nodes for the FE-calculation to assign them with some boundary conditions
(load ...etc).  
As far as the surface is a plane surface, I have no problem to do that (see please the .geo file below).

How can I do that for surfaces, which are not plane any more?

Of course I can define many and many "Ruled surfaces" limited with four lines. But the structure I want to mesh is an 
industrial stucture with a complex geometry, so that it will be too difficult and time-consuming to use these method.

The number of lines for defintion of a "Ruled surfaces" is limited to four. May be there is a way to force the mesh to have nodes coincident with intermediary points of the four splines (or lines) defining the ruled surface?

I hope, that despite my english level, I am clear enough to make you understanding my question.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Kind regards

Gérard Fleury

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Vazquez Sabariego Ruth [mailto:R.Sabariego at ulg.ac.be]
Envoyé : vendredi 29 mai 2009 09:38
À : gerard.fleury at inrs.fr
Cc : gmsh at geuz.org
Objet : Re: [Gmsh] Coïncidence noeuds/points

You must split your line in two:


Point(1) = {-775.5, 0, 0, lg};
Point(2) = {-775.5+100., 0, 40, lg};
Point(3) = {-775.5, 0, 402.5, lg};

Line(1) = {1,2};
Line(2) = {2,3};


> Bonjour,
> comment ne pas commencer par vous féliciciter sur les fonctionnalités
> de Gmsh!!!
> Ma question est basique.
> Je souhaite mailler par exemple une ligne contenant 3 points.
> Mon fichier géométrie est donc:
> lg=20;
> Point(1) = {-775.5, 0, 0, lg};
> Point(2) = {-775.5+100., 0, 40, lg};
> Point(3) = {-775.5, 0, 402.5, lg};
> Line(1) = {1,2,3};
> Or, quand je maille, la ligne de maillage, constituée des éléments 1D ne
> passe pas par le point 2, point intermédiaire.
> Existe-t'il une option pour imposer qu'un noeud, relié aux éléments 1D,
> soit
> coïncident avec le point 2.
> Merci pour votre réponse.
> Cordialement
> Gérard Fleury
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