[Gmsh] gmsh to patran export
Umut Tabak
u.tabak at tudelft.nl
Tue May 5 13:13:49 CEST 2009
Dear developers,
This might not be a direct work related to you but I encountered some
problems in the gmsh written bdf files while exporting them into patran.
Some of the elements are not exported correctly into Patran due to some
format errors I guess. I tried to solve the issue myself, could not for
the moment but I guess the problem is related to "tags" field of Gmsh,
especially the 2nd field which specifies the elementary geometrical
entity to which the element belongs. Patran can not handle this
information correctly from the output file written by Gmsh. I would be
pleased if you shed some light on this point. Lastly, my intention was
to use the reordering capabilities of Patran by a simple Python
script(RCM algorithm, Patran will do the job for me). I also attached
simple files that you can examine.
Thanks for the help and comments.
Ps: bdf file is saved directly from the GUI with large field format.
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