[Gmsh] export to CFX

Benjamin Sanderse sanderse at ecn.nl
Thu Feb 5 14:14:05 CET 2009

Hello all,

I want to use gmsh for some simple (structured) meshes that I want to 
load in CFX (to be exact, the preprocessor ANSYS CFX5pre). I have used 
one of the example files in the demos/ folder (hex.geo) and used it to 
create a simple cube with some cells.  I found out that the type 'I-deas 
universal mesh' (.unv) can be read by CFX successfully. However, CFX 
does not recognize the different surfaces anymore (as present in gmsh) 
and therefore I am not able to apply boundary conditions in the CFX 
model. Does anyone know how to include such information in the .unv file 
so that CFX recognizes the boundaries? Or are there other formats which 
support this?



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