[Gmsh] Question about mesh refinement with stating of characteristic lengths
Christophe Geuzaine
cgeuzaine at ulg.ac.be
Thu Jul 10 18:39:16 CEST 2008
Moritz Nadler wrote:
> Hallo,
> I tried so somehow use the fields demo file in my geometry without really
> understanding it. This did not work, when I compile my .geo I get a mesh with
> way to much elements. The large ch. lengths of the "outer" point are being
> ignored now.
> I tried to read about fields in the manual but I could not really get the
> concept why so many different "fields" are needed to just fully define one for
> example what the background field is good for...
> What I want I if a fine mesh around line 3 and 7 and point 16 19 which I have
> now but in the rest of the domain the mesh density should still correspond to
> the large ch length defined in the points there which I do not have.
Just set LcMax to the largest char length in the model. The eventual
mesh size os computed as the minimum of all prescribed sizes (at points,
using fields, using a background mesh, using curvatures, etc.).
//my current .geo file with too high element density
highPr = 0.0002;
argPr = 0.00004;
midPr = 0.0002;
lowPr = 0.0006;
vLowPr = 0.001;
Point(1) = {0,0,0,argPr};
Point(2) = {0.25E-2,0,0,midPr};
Point(3) = {0.5E-2,0,0,highPr};
Point(4) = {0.5E-2,0.025E-2,0,highPr};
Point(5) = {0.75E-2,0.025E-2,0,midPr};
Point(6) = {2.25E-2,0.025E-2,0,midPr};
Point(7) = {2.5E-2,0.025E-2,0,highPr};
Point(8) = {2.5E-2,0,0,highPr};
Point(9) = {2.75E-2,0,0,midPr};
Point(10) = {4E-2,0,0,lowPr};
Point(11) = {9.5E-2,0,0,vLowPr};
Point(13) = {0,9.525E-2,0,vLowPr};
Point(14) = {0,4.025E-2,0,lowPr};
Point(15) = {0,2.775E-2,0,midPr};
Point(16) = {0,2.525E-2,0,highPr};
Point(17) = {0,2.275E-2,0,midPr};
Point(18) = {0,0.775E-2,0,midPr};
Point(19) = {0,0.525E-2,0,highPr};
Point(20) = {0,0.275E-2,0,midPr};
Point(21) = {0,0.025E-2,0,argPr};
Field[1] = Attractor;
Field[1].NNodesByEdge = 100;
Field[1].NodesList = {16,19};
Field[1].EdgesList = {3,7};
Field[2] = Threshold;
Field[2].IField = 1;
Field[2].LcMin = highPr;
Field[2].LcMax = vLowPr;
Field[2].DistMin = 0.002;
Field[2].DistMax = 0.008;
Background Field = 2;
Line(1) = {1,2};
Line(2) = {2,3};
Line(3) = {3,4};
Line(4) = {4,5};
Line(5) = {5,6};
Line(6) = {6,7};
Line(7) = {7,8};
Line(8) = {8,9};
Line(9) = {9,10};
Line(10) = {10,11};
Circle(11) = {11,1,13};
Line(13) = {13,14};
Line(14) = {14,15};
Line(15) = {15,16};
Line(16) = {16,17};
Line(17) = {17,18};
Line(18) = {18,19};
Line(19) = {19,20};
Line(20) = {20,21};
Line(21) = {21,1};
Line Loop(22) = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21};
Plane Surface(23) = {22};
// end of file
Prof. Christophe Geuzaine
University of Liege, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science