[Gmsh] Breakdown due to memory problems : localfill h
Marcus Drosson
m.drosson at ulg.ac.be
Thu Jun 12 10:43:29 CEST 2008
a problem appears when I try to generate a 3D grid that combines
transfinite and unstructured volumes. Using the Netgen grid generator,
the memory size increases up to the breakdown of my computer (more than
3GB). The 2D grid is constituted of only 15244 triangles. Tetgen is able
to generate a 3D grid but the interface between the transfinite and the
unstructured grid doesn't respect the continuity of the tetrahedrons
(huge arbitrary elements at one side and a structured grid at the other
In order to verify that the problem doesn't come because I use different
types of grids, I put into comment everything except two rectangular
boxes (-> new.geo). Even for this very simple case, the grid generation
failed due to a memory problem. Using gmsh version 1.65, any problem
appears and the grid is generated in a few seconds. In the same way,
when I create a new .geo file to draw a box (with/without a hole),
everything works correctly. Thus the problem shouldn't be related to a
wrong configuration parameter of gmsh.
".geo" -files and the gmsh output are attached.
Marcus Drosson
Drosson Marcus
Aspirant F.R.S - FNRS
Université de Liège
Département d'aérospatiale et mécanique / LTAS - Aérodynamique
Chemin des Chevreuils, 1, Bât. B52/3
4000 Liège
Phone : (+32) (0)4 366 94 91
Fax : (+32) (0)4 366 91 36
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