[Gmsh] Accuracy of the Mesh-3D command

Christophe Geuzaine cgeuzaine at ulg.ac.be
Fri Mar 21 18:12:49 CET 2008

Michael Schantin wrote:
> Hello fellow Gmsh-users,
> I am quite new to Gmsh and have a question regarding the file formats.
> Actually I am using a STL-file of which I want to generate a
> tetrahedrization of the mesh. This also works for me when I use a
> GEO-file with the command to load the STL-file (Merge
> "CubeVerts8Edges12Faces6.stl";).
> I have one problem though: I want to control the "accuracy" of the
> tetraedization. This can be done in the GEO-file by specifing a forth
> parameter with the points. But since this is not possible in the STL
> files, my question is: How can I control this anyway?

Gmsh currently does not remesh STL files, so if you want to refine the 
surface grid you'll have to start from a CAD description.

> Best regards.

Prof. Christophe Geuzaine
University of Liege, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science