[Gmsh] one noded elements

Thomas S. Hille t.s.hille at tudelft.nl
Thu Nov 15 11:16:22 CET 2007


I have just installed the newest version of gmsh (2.0.8), before I used 1.6.

I see that you have changed the format of the msh file to what is now 
known as 2.0. Since I have to bring the mesh data into my own format I 
expect a specific format of this file as an input to my own conversion 
algorithm. Fortunately, I found out that when saving the file via Save 
As.. I have the choice for the old format 1.0.

The problem is just that this is still different to what I was used to. 
Namely, the msh file contains now in the beginning ot the element list 
one noded elements. I have not had this output before. The amount of one 
noded elements is equal to the amount of points that I added 
constructing the geo file.

How do I get rid of this output? Is it my mistake (e.g. somewhere a 
different setting) that output in the msh format 1.0 within gmsh 2.0.8 
is different to the output format I was used to with gmsh 1.6?

Thanks for your support,


Thomas S. Hille
Chair of Engineering Mechanics	  PO Box 5058
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering   Kluyverweg 1
Delft University of Technology 	  2629 HS, Delft
The Netherlands

+31 (0) 64 1385618 (mobile)
+31 (0) 15 2781528 (office)
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