[Gmsh] Cylinder + Box: Meshing problem

Jan Kocbach jan at cmr.no
Tue May 8 10:54:05 CEST 2007

I am trying to mesh a combination of a cylinder and a box (see attached 
.geo file), but Gmsh 2.0.7 (and older versions) crashes:

1. Assertion failed! Program: F:\gmesh2.gmesh.exe. File: tetgen.cxx. 
Line 20163. Expression: matchflag == true (Delaunay algorithm)
2. Runtime error (Netgen algorithm)

 I have also tried to make a geometry with many boxes of different size 
adjacent to each other - all with different materials (i.e. they must be 
meshed separately, and the mesh must be connected), but get similar 
problems with the meshing. Have you got any tips, or maybe a good 
example file other than the examples/tutorials provided?

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