[Gmsh] Gmsh - bug report (may be)

John Dell johnd at ee.uwa.edu.au
Thu Mar 22 05:42:35 CET 2007



I just managed to crash Gmsh with a segmentation fault when trying to mesh a
2D geometry.  Gmsh was running on a Windows machine (Toshiba Tecra S1
laptop, Intel, XP Pro with cygwin, 1G memory, and lots of free disk).  


Now this is my first attempt at run Gmsh, so it's probably my geometry that
is wrong, but it did ask for me to send this to you.  The geo file shows
that the initial mesh characteristic length is 1 but even when set globally
to be 12.5 it still crashes.  The geometry is pretty big though (extends
from (0, -2000) to (2000, 2000)).  However, if it is simply that the problem
is too big, it would be nice to have a more graceful and informative way of
saying so.


Attached are:

The geometry file (poisson.geo)

The error file (gmsh-errors.txt)


Thanks for your program and time,





Dr John Dell

Microelectronics Research Group

School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering


The University of Western Australia

35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley, WA, 6009, AUSTRALIA

Tel: +61 8 6488 3112

Fax: +61 8 6488 1095

Email: johnd at ee.uwa.edu.au

Web: http://mrg.ee.uwa.edu.au

CRICOS Provider Code: 00126G

(Commonwealth Register of Institutions & Courses for Overseas Students) 


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