[Gmsh] gmsh 2.0
Dmitry Firsov
makkot at mts.net
Mon Feb 5 17:54:31 CET 2007
Dear GMSH Developers,
Probably that was not grate idea to remove isotropic algorithm from gmsh
2.0. I was able to generate with isotropic algorithm meshes with a lot
higher quality then Netgen gives (the quality: smallest distribution of
area/volume ratio along the mesh). Also gmsh 2.0 is unable to generate
a mesh (it is crashing), when gmsh 1.65 with isotropic mesh generator
gives a good result. Attached geo file shows exactly that problem... Of
cause isotropic mesh generator sometimes is crashing and takes to much
CPU resources, but it gives good results.
Dr. Dmitry Firsov
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