[Gmsh] STL importer/ auto boundary/ open cascade
Alfonso Medina
amedina at isecorp.com
Thu Jan 11 01:37:37 CET 2007
Chris, I just spent a long time getting to learn perl (since my last
posting almost). I'm wondering, If I write something in perl, how can it
make its way into C++? I'm in the middle of writing an STL file
importer to .GEO. ITs just that when I import anything on to GMSH, it
only saves the points. I'm doing it so that I can set up Open flower
problems easily.
My idea is to have a CAD program like Pro/e or a 3-d modeling program
like Blender, produce an ASCII stl output file for a model. At the
moment, I can just import points. This week probably (probably not
also), I'll be having it make lines, line loops and planes.
Then, I'll have another script that does the following: I open the
newly imported .GEO, then I make two virtual surfaces. One inlet one
outlet, it could be more, but just to say. The script then takes the
rest of the un used planes and makes them virtual walls. And thats it.
Probably also I'll add some kind of variable set to each import.
But that is very specific to openflower. Now I'm reading about the open
cascade thing. Does that mean you will interpret STEP/IGES style with
no triangles in the way? That would be soo awesome.
Christophe Trophime wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 19:21 -0400, Christophe Geuzaine wrote:
>> Christophe Trophime wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> trying to create a mesh from a "template" geo file I append to notice
>>> that I cannot create mesh file larger than 2 Gb. As I run gmsh (1.65) on
>>> Linux FC5 I think that this limit is no longer due to the system (kernel
>>> 2.6.xx). Is this limitation really specific of gmsh?
>> No. Do you run into this limit with a version you compiled on that
>> machine, or with the stock pre-compiled version from the web site?
> I use the source version of 1.65 and "limit" do not report limiation on
> the file size.
>>> I also wish to make gmsh able to write some other mesh file format
>>> (especially for freefem++ and some cfd codes like Dolfyn, gerris, ...) .
>>> Is there a simple way to tell 2D and 3D meshes when it comes to write
>>> the mesh data to file (the only way I find so far is to look for
>>> volumes).
>> That's reasonable: Gmsh does not distinguish between 1D, 2D or 3D meshes.
>>> I also need to write the vertices nodes list as follows :
>>> x y bc_id
>>> How can I simply retrieve the boundary id (bc_id) for the vertices?
>> You'll have to write a new output routine. I would strongly encourage
>> you to code it in the new code base if you actually do it: the whole
>> output layer from 1.65 has been replaced in the upcoming Gmsh 2.0.
> I have manage to produce BAMG mesh for freefem++ and it should also work
> for dolfyn. The only problem in this case is that you have to generate a
> file for the vertices, one for the "cells" and one for the boundaries.
>>> Best regards
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