[Gmsh] Surface numbering from extrude

Manav Bhatia manav at u.washington.edu
Tue Nov 15 04:21:53 CET 2005

  For the following input,

Point(10) = {0,0,0,.1};
Extrude Point {10,{1,0,0}};
Extrude Line {1, {0,1,0}};

For a surface made from extrusion of a line, the surface number  
should ideally be the number obtained from 'newl'. (This is the  
procedure for point and surface extrusions  to get line and volume  
respectively). Hence the surface number for the file given above  
should be 1. However, I get the number as 5. I tried similar  
examples, and found that the surface number is obtained as 'newl'. Is  
this a bug?
How are surfaces numbered for surfaces made from line extrusions?
