[Gmsh] tetgen mesher for gmsh

Jozef Vesely vesely at gjh.sk
Sun Aug 21 23:42:16 CEST 2005

Good day,

I have adapted gmsh to use tetgen
(http://tetgen.berlios.de/) as mesh generator.

I have seen it on your TODO list, if you are interested let
me know, however my work is pretty experimental (hacked
in one day) and due to the lack of time probably remains

I did not consider holes in, or refining of mesh.
I not an gmsh expert and I found it poorly documented, so it
is possible that I have done some things wrong, although it
works for me.

Tetgen is much faster 250k tetrahedra in 25s on P4 2.5Ghz,
and it seems more robust.


Jozef Vesely
vesely at gjh.sk


OK I just found gmsh-1.61.0-nightly-20050821
and noticed my duplicate work ... :-(
so I won't bother you with patch