[Gmsh] Geometric command

Tarek Karoui tarek.karoui at inrs.fr
Tue Jun 14 12:45:59 CEST 2005

Good morning,

I want to recuperate a coordinate of a defined point "M", and draw a new
point which is parameterized by the point "M":

//Defined Point M
Point(34945) = {-0.008292668, 7.685275, 18.44795, 1};

//Parameterized Point defined by M coordinates
Point(10000) = {"coordinateX of M*2", "coordinateY of M*2.25", "Z.M
coordinateZ of M*1.36", 1}

There is any command to do this by GMSH.

Thank you for responding me as soon as possible!


Laboratoire de Modélisation des Systèmes Mécaniques de Prévention (MSMP)
Département Ingénierie des Equipements de Travail
tél. : 		03 83 50 20 00 (poste : 24 53)
fax direct :	03 83 50 21 86
e-mail:		tarek.karoui at inrs.fr