[Gmsh] tics in value scales

Christophe Geuzaine c.geuzaine at ulg.ac.be
Mon May 30 21:47:23 CEST 2005

Vladislav Kotov wrote:
> Dear Sirs,
> First of all I would like to thank you for this convenient and robust
>  software!
> My question is following: is it possible to change the number of tics
>  in the value scales (it is 3 by default)?

Yes, change Tools->Options->View->Range->Number of intervals.
Beware that the number of tics depends on the width of the labels
(which is influenced by the "Number format" option in the same option
panel): if "Number of intervals" labels would be too large for the
display, then we use only 3.

If you need more labels, the vertical display mode is probably better:
cf. Tools->Options->Post-processing->General->Draw value
scales horizontally.


Christophe Geuzaine
Applied and Computational Mathematics, Caltech
geuzaine at acm.caltech.edu - http://geuz.org