[Gmsh] post-processing

Christophe Geuzaine c.geuzaine at ulg.ac.be
Tue Apr 26 15:52:52 CEST 2005

BAILLY Christophe wrote:
> Bonjour,
> Je voudrais savoir si il est possible de visualiser l'état de contrainte
> tout en visualisant la déformée? En effet lors que je visualise mon état de
> contrainte à différent temps de calcul, la structure reste à son état
> initiale.

Sure, see the FAQ:

* 7.6 Can I visualize a field on a deformed mesh?

Yes, there are several ways to do that.

The easiest is to load two views: the first one containing a
displacement field (a vector view that will be used to deform the
mesh), and the second one containing the field you want to display
(this view has to contain the same number of elements as the
displacement view). You should then set 'Vector display' to
'Displacement' in the first view, as well as set 'Data source' to
point to the second view. (You might want to make the second view
invisible, too. If you want to amplify or decrease the amount of
deformation, just modify the 'Displacement factor' option.)

Another solution is to use the 'General transformation expressions'
(in 'View->Options->Offset') on the field you want to display, with
the displacement map selected as the data source.

And yet another solution is to use the DiplacementRaise plugin.

> Cordialement
> Christophe BAILLY
> Direction Géologie-Géochimie
> 1-4 Avenue de Bois-Préau
> 92852 Rueil-Malmaison, France
> tel : +33 (0)1 47 52 61 91
> fax : +33 (0)1 47 52 70 67
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Christophe Geuzaine
Applied and Computational Mathematics, Caltech
geuzaine at acm.caltech.edu - http://geuz.org