[Gmsh] Gmsh v1.58.0 automatically quit during adding new surface

zhoujun zhoujun at cs.inf.shizuoka.ac.jp
Thu Jan 13 10:56:06 CET 2005

Dear professor,

I am a student new to Gmsh.
My OS is WinXP SP2,current Gmsh version is 
1.58.0.(package:gmsh-1.58.0-Windows downloaded from 
http://www.geuz.org/gmsh/ on Jan. 10th 2005)

When I was using Gmsh to draw a simple geometry which is a 3D cube like 
shape with the exception that the value of height( Z axis value) is very 
small compared with both the width and length, there was some unpleasant 
thing happened. During the "Add elements" process (I mean when adding new 
lines and surfaces),I had to use the "Shift key & mouse" to zoom the 
corresponding parts in case of that I was able to choose the very short 
lines that I wanted.However, during the process, Gmsh automatically qiuted 
without any warning message, after that I had to restart Gmsh, the same 
thing happened again several times.

I am wondering what was the reason,since I only have one "Cygwin1.dll"on my 
system,(but I didnot work under the /home/user/directory instead of working 
under the directoy on cygdrive/c/ where the Gmsh.exe exsits.). Would you 
mind teaching me what is the possible reason and how to deal with it.

Frankly speaking, Gmsh is a perfect package for drawing and meshing,the 
working process are both intuitive and heuristic even though I have no 
experience on CAD system. I hope if flexiable zoom function will be added to 
the GUI menu in the future version and it zooms the  region only necessary. 
At the same time, I want to read part of the *.msh file info. to generate a 
new text based mesh info. file for my program. I read the Gmsh instruction 
manual and understood the meaning of differient byte-segment in the .msh 
file. Is there somewhat simple method to extract only the node coordinate 
info. and final mesh element info by using Java.Would you mind giving me 
some advices.

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Have a nice day.

Zhou Jun

zhoujun at cs.inf.shizuoka.ac.jp

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