[Gmsh] compilation problems on SUN Solaris 8

Benedikt Oswald Benedikt.Oswald at iup.uni-heidelberg.de
Thu Jan 6 12:17:25 CET 2005

Dear Christope, GMSH is a great software package, my Compliments!
However, I encountered some problems when trying to install it on
a SUN blade 100 with SUN solaris and gcc installed. The problems
occured during the link phase.  Please find enclose with the mail
a text file containing the output of the make utility after using configure
with the appropriate switches. There seem to be problems with linking some std::<class_members>.
If you could give some indication on what to do to resolve these erros, 
I would be grateful!

My best regards, Benedikt Oswald
dr. Benedikt Oswald, Dipl. El. Ing. ETHZ
Postdoctoral Scientist, University of Heidelberg
Institute of Environmental Physics, INF-229,
D-69120 Heidelberg, phone +49 (0)6221 54 65 11

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