[Gmsh] maillage sphere tetraedres
Jean Vis
Jean.vis at skynet.be
Thu Aug 12 22:34:38 CEST 2004
On Mon, 09 Aug 2004 11:19:45 +0200
MBarek Fares <Barek.Fares at cerfacs.fr> wrote:
> Bonjour,
> J'ai utilise avec succes gmsh pour les maillages surfaciques, par contre
> j'ai des difficultes
> a mailler une sphere en tetraedre. Peut etre ai je une erreur dans mon
> fichier sphere.geo ci joint.
> Je joins aussi la sortie du code gmsh.
> Merci de votre aide.
> --
> MBarek FARES | (fares at cerfacs.fr)
> CERFACS - Electromagnetism Team | (+33)
> 31057 Toulouse Cedex - FRANCE |
I don't no excactly why your sphere doesn't work.
In interactive mode,when making the volume the program doesn't detect the closed set of surfaces.
The problem maybee the angle of rotation equal to 2*PI.
Here is a working sphere:
Point(1) = {0,0,0,lc};
Point(2) = {0,0,-r1,lc};
Point(3) = {0,-r1,0,lc};
Point(4) = {0,0,r1,lc};
Line(1) = {1,2};
Circle(2) = {2,1,3};
Circle(3) = {3,1,4};
Line(4) = {4,1};
Line Loop(4) = {3,4,1,2};
Plane Surface(5) = {4};
Extrude Surface {5, {0.0,0.0,1.0}, {0.0,0.0,0.0}, 2*Pi/3};
Extrude Surface {19, {0.0,0.0,1.0}, {0.0,0.0,0.0}, 2*Pi/3};
Extrude Surface {33, {0.0,0.0,1.0}, {0.0,0.0,0.0}, 2*Pi/3};
Surface Loop(47) = {13,18,27,32,41,46};
Volume(48) = {47};
Physical Volume(49) = {48};