[Gmsh] Geometrical to Physical entity

Lussou Philippe plussou at necs.fr
Fri Jan 30 19:00:32 CET 2004

Christophe Geuzaine a écrit :

>Lussou Philippe wrote:
>>Is there a way to know the number of the new geometrical entities that 
>>are created when I perform a transformation (Translate, Symmetry, etc) ?
>>It would be very useful if I want to perform another transformation (on 
>>the newly created entities) or to declare them as physical entities.
>>Is there a magic formula ??
>Transformation commands actually return the indices of the tranformed
>entities into a list. So you can for example write (cf. tutorial/t2.geo)
>newpt[] = Translate {0,0.1,0} { Duplicata{ Point{3}; } } ;
>and newpt[0] will contain what you need.
Thanks a lot for this fast & efficient answer, I should have spent more 
time reading the tutorial :)
It's OK for rotation, symmetry translation, (...) but for extrusion I 
still have a question, see attached file.

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