[Gmsh] No physical points in mesh?
Christophe Geuzaine
geuzaine at acm.caltech.edu
Mon May 12 18:43:07 CEST 2003
Toshiro K. Ohsumi wrote:
> Hello,
> I was wondering why any Physical Points defined in a *.geo file, e.g. your
> t1.geo tutorial file, does not appear in the resultant *.msh file (from doing
> gmsh -2 t1.geo, for example). That is, after gmsh t1.msh, clicking Visibility,
> and then selecting Physical, there are no physical points shown although there
> are physical edges. Can this be corrected or worked around?
You're right: we need to fix this. (Note that the points *are* actually
in the mesh file; they just don't show up as physical points when the
file is loaded.)
Christophe Geuzaine
Tel: (626) 395-4552 http://www.geuz.org
Fax: (626) 578-0124 mailto:geuzaine at acm.caltech.edu