[Gmsh] Bug in 3D mesher of Gmsh - cylinder inside a block...

Toshiro K. Ohsumi ohsumit at cs.rpi.edu
Wed Feb 5 09:02:31 CET 2003


    I have attached a gmsh file which supposed to create a cylinder within a
block.  The domain of interest is the block, but I want the mesh finer around
the cylinder (a ruled surface, assuming I did it right).  I tried both with
and without making the cylinder a volume, but the mesher complained that there
are coplanar points.  I am not sure why this error occurs.  I thought I was
following tutorial #5 in creating this model.  I must be doing something 
elementarily wrong.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Many thanks,

		- Toshi


lc = 0.475;
lc2 = 0.25;
lent = 1.0;
Point(1) = {0, 0, -lent, lc};
Point(2) = {lent, 0, -lent, lc};
Point(3) = {lent, lent, -lent, lc};
Point(4) = {0, lent, -lent, lc};
Point(5) = {0, 0, lent, lc};
Point(6) = {lent, 0, lent, lc};
Point(7) = {lent, lent, lent, lc};
Point(8) = {0, lent, lent, lc};
Point(9) = {0.5, lent, 0, lc2};
Point(10) = {0.5, lent, 0.3, lc2};
Point(11) = {0.8, lent, 0, lc2};
Point(12) = {0.2, lent, 0, lc2};
Point(13) = {0.5, lent, -0.3, lc2};
Point(14) = {0.5, 0, 0.3, lc2};
Point(15) = {0.8, 0, 0, lc2};
Point(16) = {0.2, 0, 0, lc2};
Point(17) = {0.5, 0, -0.3, lc2};
Point(18) = {0.5, 0, 0, lc2};
Line (101) = {1, 2};
Line (102) = {2, 3};
Line (103) = {3, 4};
Line (104) = {4, 1};
Line (105) = {1, 5};
Line (106) = {4, 8};
Line (107) = {8, 5};
Line (108) = {8, 7};
Line (109) = {5, 6};
Line (110) = {7, 6};
Line (111) = {6, 2};
Line (112) = {3, 7};
Line Loop (1000300) = {101, 102, 103, 104};
Plane Surface (300) = {1000300};
Line Loop (1000301) = {108, 110, -109, -107};
Plane Surface (301) = {1000301};
Line Loop (1000302) = {104, 105, -107, -106};
Plane Surface (302) = {1000302};
Line Loop (1000303) = {105, 109, 111, -101};
Plane Surface (303) = {1000303};
Line Loop (1000304) = {102, 112, 110, 111};
Plane Surface (304) = {1000304};
Line Loop (1000305) = {103, 106, 108, -112};
Plane Surface (305) = {1000305};
Surface Loop (1000407) = {303, 302, 300, 304, 305, 301};
Volume (407) = {1000407};

// Physical Point(21) = {1};
// Physical Point(22) = {2};
// Physical Point(23) = {3};
// Physical Point(24) = {4};
// Physical Point(25) = {5};
// Physical Point(26) = {6};
// Physical Point(27) = {7};
// Physical Point(28) = {8};
// Physical Line (1101) = {101};
// Physical Line (1102) = {102};
// Physical Line (1103) = {103};
// Physical Line (1104) = {104};
// Physical Line (1105) = {105};
// Physical Line (1106) = {106};
// Physical Line (1107) = {107};
// Physical Line (1108) = {108};
// Physical Line (1109) = {109};
// Physical Line (1110) = {110};
// Physical Line (1111) = {111};
// Physical Line (1112) = {112};
Physical Surface (500) = {300};
Physical Surface (501) = {301};
Physical Surface (502) = {302};
Physical Surface (503) = {303};
Physical Surface (504) = {304};
Physical Surface (505) = {305};
Physical Volume (600) = {407};

Circle(1000408) = {10,9,11};
Circle(1000409) = {11,9,13};
Circle(1000410) = {13,9,12};
Circle(1000411) = {12,9,10};
Line Loop(1000412) = {1000408,1000409,1000410,1000411};
Circle(1000413) = {16,18,14};
Circle(1000414) = {14,18,15};
Circle(1000415) = {15,18,17};
Circle(1000416) = {17,18,16};
Line Loop(1000417) = {1000413,1000414,1000415,1000416};
Line(1000418) = {17,13};
Line(1000419) = {16,12};
Line(1000420) = {14,10};
Line(1000421) = {15,11};
Line Loop(1000422) = {1000420,-1000411,-1000419,1000413};
Ruled Surface(1000423) = {1000422};
Line Loop(1000424) = {-1000408,-1000420,1000414,1000421};
Ruled Surface(1000425) = {1000424};
Line Loop(1000426) = {1000418,-1000409,-1000421,1000415};
Ruled Surface(1000427) = {1000426};
Line Loop(1000428) = {1000410,-1000419,-1000416,1000418};
Ruled Surface(1000429) = {1000428};
Ruled Surface(1000430) = {1000412};
Ruled Surface(1000431) = {1000417};
Surface Loop(1000432) = {1000425,1000430,1000427,1000429,1000423,1000431};
Volume(1000433) = {1000432};