[Gmsh] Nvidia -> Problem solved
Nicolas MOËS
nicolas.moes at ec-nantes.fr
Wed Dec 5 11:41:07 CET 2001
Thanks To Laurent Champaney
for his help on my Nvidia card problem.
Here is the solution
When you have an Nvidia graphic card
The /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file
must have
driver = " nvidia" and not "nv"
the lines containing "dri" and "GLcore"
must be commented out.
Then X must be restarted.
Nicolas Moks
Laboratoire de Micanique et Matiriaux
Icole Centrale de Nantes
1 Rue de la Noe, 44321 Nantes, France
email: nicolas.moes at ec-nantes.fr
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