About trip & gmsh/getdp

Christophe Geuzaine Christophe.Geuzaine at ulg.ac.be
Wed Jun 23 12:34:24 CEST 1999

Suuriniemi Saku wrote:
> experimental Matlab FDTD code. I suggested that he could use getdp to
> test FDTD-formulations instead of recoding some m-files.
> Now the question arises: Can you make hexahedral mesh with gmsh? If,

Well, I implemented a transfinite interpolation method in GMSH some time
ago, which allows hexahedral meshes to be generated. This method is not
implemented in the new version (the one Timo uses), but in the older one
(~geuzaine/EXPORT/gmsh-old). I've put 2 examples (ind.geo and
Sphere.geo) in ~geuzaine/ex/, and I have others here if you're

This being said, if you already have a good structured mesh generator, a
solution could be to transform the output of this tool to be readable by
getdp (this should be quite simple, since the mesh format read by getdp
is very simple).

> then how? Timo told that it is quite easy to write the FDTD ascii
> formulation file for getdp, but the meshing might be a problem.
> How is your info-project proceeding? If you have a pretty comprehensive
> version of documentation, although not finally honed, could you please
> send it to me? If Antti starts to work with getdp, he would be much

I didn't have much time to work on the manual since I went back to
Belgium, but, since I have strong requests here for a user's guide too,
I think I'll spend 2 or 3 days in the near future to complete this

> better off having his own document and not being dependent of Jari and
> Timo (who are older researchers and thus have long holidays) all the
> time. If you have an idiot-proof ready-made ascii formulation file (you
> told about these nincompoop editions) for standard FDTD, it would be a
> valuable example and a starting point.

No, I didn't implement any FDTD-like formulations yet. BTW, could you
ask Lauri to send me a copy of his paper entitled "Yee-like schemes on
staggered cellular grids..." ?

> Now I don't remember when you have your holiday, but anyway, have a nice
> summer and spend a great holiday!

I'll take 1 week at the beginning of July.

Greetings to Laura,


Christophe Geuzaine

Tel: +32-(0)4-366.37.10    mailto:Christophe.Geuzaine at ulg.ac.be
Fax: +32-(0)4-366.29.10    http://www.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~geuzaine/