[Gmsh-announce] New Gmsh release: 2.0.7

Christophe Geuzaine cgeuzaine at ulg.ac.be
Tue Apr 3 15:24:04 CEST 2007

We've just released Gmsh 2.0.7, a minor update that should fix most of
the bugs discovered in Gmsh 2.0.4.

Most notably:

* the 3D Delaunay should be much more stable (on all architectures, and
on Windows in particular)

* the bug in the choice of solver locations is fixed

* the binary versions are now linked with OpenCascade 6.2 (which
should improve STEP/IGES import)

There are also a couple of new features:

* we've added the ability to export external CAD models (STEP, etc.) as
GEO files (this only works for the limited set of geometrical primitives
available in the GEO language, of course--so trying to convert e.g. a
trimmed NURBS from a STEP file into a GEO file will fail)

* all extrusion commands now add the "lateral" entities in the returned