[Gmsh-announce] New Gmsh release: 1.33

Christophe Geuzaine geuzaine at acm.caltech.edu
Mon Jan 21 20:45:07 CET 2002


I have uploaded a new version of Gmsh (1.33), which introduces a new
parameterizable solver interface. If you are an "interactive" GetDP
user, you will have to upgrade GetDP as well. 

I have posted a small solver demo to show the basic principles to write
your own solver. From the FAQ: 

6.1) How do I integrate my own solver with Gmsh?

If you want to simply launch a program from within Gmsh, just edit
the options to define your solver commands (e.g. Solver.Name0,
Solver.Executable0, etc.), and set the ClientServer option to zero
(e.g. Solver.ClientServer0 = 0). 

If you want your solver to interact with Gmsh (for error messages,
option definitions, post-processing, etc.), you will need to link your
solver with the 'GmshClient.c' file and add the appropriate function
calls inside your program. You will of course also need to define your
solver commands in an option file, but this time you should set the
ClientServer variable to 1 (e.g. Solver.ClientServer = 1). A complete
example on how to build a solver that interacts with Gmsh is available
at http://www.geuz.org/gmsh/doc/mysolver.tgz.

The latest version is always available at http://www.geuz.org/gmsh/. 


New in 1.33: New parameterizable solver interface (allowing up to 5
user-defined solvers); enhanced 2D aniso algorithm; 3D initial mesh