[gl2ps] Offscreen-rendering with gl2ps?

Christophe Geuzaine cgeuzaine at ulg.ac.be
Fri Feb 13 16:26:34 CET 2015

> On 05 Dec 2014, at 19:33, Andreas Weber <octave at tech-chat.de> wrote:
> Dear users and maintainers of gl2ps,
> GNU Octave with the FLTK graphics_toolkit uses gl2ps to generate prints.
> This works really fine but we have a long standing bugreport that Octave
> isn't able to produce print without a visible figure
> (https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?func=detailitem&item_id=33180)
> Is it possible or does some of you have experience with
> offscreen-rendering and gl2ps? If possible it would be really great to
> use gl2ps even without a DSIPLAY (for example within a remote session
> via ssh).
> The solution should be crossplatform GNU/Linux, Windows, MacOS capable.

I have no experience with this; but I would definitely be interested to know if it's possible!


> I had a quick look on OSMesa but wonder if this is the right way.
> Any hints highly appreciated,
> Andy
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Prof. Christophe Geuzaine
University of Liege, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 