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I've made a lot of progress learning to use GetDP and have solved a
couple of problems (1d and 2d) that I had solved earlier using other
codes. Those, particularly the 2d problem, were in cartesian
coordinates. The current problem is to compute TM (electromagnetic)
modes in axisymmetric cavities with the eigen solver. The problem is
that, although the radial dependence of the TM0n0 modes look
qualitatively like the Bessel J1 functions, near r=0 the radial
dependence appears asymptotically ~sqrt(r) instead of ~r. The eigen
values are wrong as well. The functions look like this:<br>
<img alt="" src="cid:part1.01080702.01080701@frontiernet.net"
height="250" width="360"><br>
for the first seven modes. So I am doing something wrong, but I
haven't been able to find the problem. I specified the Jacobian option
VolAxi and VolAxiSqu with similar results (in both Formulation and
PostProcessing). It doesn't seem to depend on the coarseness of the
mesh. <br>
Anyone off hand recognize these symptoms?<br>