Hello,<br><br>I'm trying to use getDP as an electrostatic solver, coupled with a C code. The C code is the main driver, and has memory allocated for both Nodes and Elements, with the ordering given in the .msh file.<br>
<br>I've looked through all output file formats but it seems there's noone that is useful for my code. All I need is just a list of NODES ID (that is, node#1, node#2, etc...), with the ids corresponding to the ones in the .msh file, and the Electric and Magnetic field solution.<br>
<br>Example:<br><br>if in the .msh file there's:<br>$Nodes (ID x y z)<br>1 1 1 1<br>2 1 0 0<br>3 1 0 1<br>.....(etc)<br><br>I would like that in output getdp gives: (ID Bx By Bz)<br>1 2.34231 5.36525 7.42344<br>2 3.34231 3.32525 5.44364<br>
3 5.34231 1.32625 3.42644<br>......(etc)<br><br>So, a list of node IDS in the same order of the .msh file, with the three components of the magnetic field (or electric field) computed in that point. Is this possible?<br><br>
Kind regards<br><br>Stefano<br>