Hello,<br><br>I am trying to compute the field scattered by an homogeneous sphere exposed to an incident electromagnetic plane wave.<br>The unknown is the scattered field (electric field for example).<br>The source is the incident field in the volume of the sphere. (See for example
P.D.Ledger's thesis §5.3 for the variational formulation of the problem <a href="http://www.sam.math.ethz.ch/~ledger/publication.html">http://www.sam.math.ethz.ch/~ledger/publication.html</a>).<br>PML are used to troncate the computational domain.
<br>Only one-quarter of the sphere is represented (taking advantage of the symmetries).<br><br>The mesh is generated using Gmsh (netgen algorithm with optimization) (18159 elements)<br><br>Problems:<br>Nb_Fill must be set to 3000 in order the obtain convergence. For lower Nb_Fill, the solver faces break-down. In consequence, the resolution is highly RAM and time consuming. So i don't manage to solve the problem on a finer mesh, and i can't use second order elements.
<br>The solution shows unexpected irregularities (see attached pdf file, which shows the components of the total electric field on a segment passing through the sphere).<br><br>Questions:<br>Is there any mistake in the .pro files? In the geommetry? (see attached files)
<br>If not, what should i do to improve the results? to solve the problem using less RAM?<br><br>thank you,<br>best regards<br><br>Laurent Bernard<br><br><br>