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Salut Ivan,
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Ok, here is the last version for the whole stuff.
Actually I'm using
<br>mostly the same Magnetostatic.pro (adapted from yours). That's exactly
<br>the point: how to treat 3D.</blockquote>
I understand now! The 2D formulation (with Form1P) can't possibly
work for a 3D problem. I'm afraid that you will have to be patient for
a while, until someone (Christophe, Patrick?) finds the time to make a
well documented example.
Dr. ir. Johan Gyselinck
University of Liege
Dept. of Electrical Engineering (ELAP), Institut Montefiore
Campus du Sart Tilman, Parking P32, Bâtiment B28, B-4000 LIEGE, Belgique
phone: +32-4-3663732 -- fax: +32-4-3662910 -- <A HREF="http://elap.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/">http://elap.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/</A></pre>