[Getdp] PostOperation

François Henrotte francois.henrotte at uclouvain.be
Sun Oct 29 14:22:30 CET 2017

Hello ABE,

use the AppendTimeStepToFileName feature,
which will generate an output file for each time step.

      Print[ t, OnElementsOf DomainC, File StrCat[Dir, "tThe", ExtGmsh], LastTimeStepOnly, AppendTimeStepToFileName 1 ] ;

Then, you can visualize the time evolution of the tThe field
- at the end of the simulation  by clicking on the « Play «  icon ( « > » )
in the bottom bar of the GUI
- or later in a terminal by invoking

$ gmsh  IH/tThe_*.pos

Hope this helps,


Le 27 oct. 2017 à 08:43, ABE Hiroshi <habe36 at gmail.com<mailto:habe36 at gmail.com>> a écrit :

Dear All,

I built a Gmsh/GetDP project doing a coupling simulation of thermal and magnetodynamics, refereing to inductor and indheat examples.

The simulation works fine now, but I’m stuck in PostOperation to save time series data of transient simulation.
Load the “inductive_heat.pro" file to Gmsh and Run to display the results at each time steps.
But the output file, saying “tThe.pos", only includes the last time step values. It would be caused by the statement: “LastTimeStepOnly” in Print operation. But without the statement, I got

Error   : GetDP - Empty solution in DofData 0

The benchmarks, such as “inductor”, can save the all time series in the pos file. So there should be some mistakes but I couldn’t find my fault in my project files.

I would be really obliged if you would point to my mistakes.
Please find four files attached in this mail.

Thank you very much in advance,

Yours sincerely,

ABE Hiroshi
from Tokorozawa, JAPAN

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getdp at onelab.info<mailto:getdp at onelab.info>

François Henrotte Dr Ir - francois.henrotte at uclouvain.be<mailto:francois.henrotte at uclouvain.be> - francois.henrotte at ulg.ac.be<mailto:francois.henrotte at ulg.ac.be>
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