[Getdp] Surface integral

Mai-Linh Doan mai-linh.doan at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Sun Oct 15 20:18:11 CEST 2017

Thanks for implementing getdp/gmsh. It’s a very nice software, very well constructed.

I’m implementing a model similar to the one described by Evgueni Ianenko in this message : http://onelab.info/pipermail/getdp/2005/000670.html
Like Mr Ianenko, I want to complete the total electrical current flowing through a surface.

In his reply, Christophe Gueuzaine explained the process to compute the integral of the normal component of the gradient of the electrical potential on a surface :
"If you need this component in an integral, the solution in getdp is to  use a "OnOneSideOf" group with a BF_GradGroupOfNodes basis function. 
There is an example here:  http://www.geuz.org/getdp/wiki/MagnetoDynamics. You can then use the associated global quantity in post-processing. »

However, the link http://www.geuz.org/getdp/wiki/MagnetoDynamics  is not valid anymore. Could you provide a new reference to the demo example ?

Thanks a lot
— Mai-Linh

PS : I made some research before :
	- You can find on the OneLab website the description of an electrodynamics problem (http://onelab.info/wiki/Magnetodynamics_with_cohomology_conditions), but it doesn’t use the  BF_GradGroupOfNodes basis function.
	- Searching BF_GradGroupOfNodes, you find another occurence of the same problem (http://onelab.info/pipermail/getdp/2015/001804.html) but the mentioned demo model Capacitor2D is not visible neither on the web!

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