[Getdp] 1 - GetDP for dummies beginners (not necessarily equating dummies and beginners :-)

Mikail Ansari ansarimikail at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 26 14:03:10 CET 2015

HeyI was trying to figure out what GetDP, kind of, does and how it works. I developed a summarized/simplified version, of what I have manged to figure out in very simple language.  Going from a high level summarized view to some understanding of the detailed modules.   I based this on the manual, and forums and the archives.  
Could you check if what I am saying below is along the right lines, appropriate simplification? or completely wrong? Particularly in the details section.(I thought something like this may be useful to other beginners as well)


General Intro>Scientists, Engineers and other folks use Maths and Equations, to show patterns in the universe around them.>Something that depends a lot on these patterns (and maths and equations) are simulations (like computer simulations of the universe). >Often simulations and simulation programs are "hard coded", having the maths and equations for specific problems built-in.  So you get a variety of simulation programs for different types of problems.  For example, in Electromagnetics, you might get one software simulation program/software for Antennas, and another one for Motors and another one for other stuff.
Here is where GetDP comes in (drumroll, read epic, awesomeness earth-shattering discovery amazingness):
>GetDP, turns the maths into software programming tools.>Why this is amazing is because it allows you to create custom simulations and physics for whatever problem/patterns in the universe that you mange to find and are interested in?>This gives quite a bit of flexibility, customization, meaning you could model for example, the mechanical, the thermal and the electromagnetics, all in one
Some DetailsHow it works? (Magic)>It takes in a geometry (similar to a cad geometry, vertices, lines, blocks)And then a number of software modules apply a variety of tasks to get to a results.
There is an overview of how the code modules fit together.  Here is a general explanation of how the modules work.  By putting together the maths and equations to get meaningful simulations/results out.
Input: Cad geometry>Group: Groups specific geometry elements (lines, blocks) into parts (like coils, and iron parts in a motor)>Function: Define expressions and calculations that will be built (like permeability of air and iron etc.).>Constraint: Defines Boundaries of what portion of the geometry to evaluate (boundary conditions)>~FunctionSpace: Defines the main areas and components of where the equations will operate.>Formulation: Build Equations>~Jacobian: Transforming Geometry (matrix operation on vertex co-ordinates) to make it easier to solve
>Integration: Defining mesh integration points, like how sharp you break the problem geometry down means you have a much sharper results when you put it back together.>~Resolution: Defines sequence of operations for solving the problem
(Solve:  After specifying all the above, the problem is solved by the computer)
>Postprocessing: Get the results that were solved.>Post operations: Output -> Show the results in a meaningful way, like graphs and charts and maps etc.Output, see how the specific problem behaves.
Kind Regards 
Mikail M. A. AnsariMsc, BSc (Electrical Engineering)Mobile: +27 (0)76 224 8084
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