[Getdp] Thermal example

Hamid Badi h.badi at bbs-slama.com
Wed Dec 17 00:07:25 CET 2014


I try to write a generic .pro file for solving a thermal problem with 3 
kinds of bc (dirichlet, flux and mixte). Theses bc are related to the three 
boundary Gamma_Temp (Tdir), Gamma_Flux (Qs) and Gamma_Mixte (Rs and Ts)
I've a basic geometry with 2 blocks and 2 kinds of boundary conditions (2 
dirichlet and one adiabatic).
The Dirichlet condition is defined by the vector Tdir on Gamma_Temp 
(Regions 3 and 4). GetDp returns that Tdir is undefined on Region 5, which 
is not in Gamma_Temp.

Any idea ?

Best regards.
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