[Getdp] 3-D electromagnetic wave scattering

J Makitalo jm86 at mbnet.fi
Thu Oct 23 17:02:23 CEST 2014


I'm trying to solve a 3-D electromagnetic wave scattering of a plane-wave
from a homogeneous gold sphere of radius 100 nm at wavelength 1200 nm. GetDP
runs fine, but the extinction cross-section turns out incorrect.

Please find my short draft of the problem forumulation in the PDF. The
necessary files are contained in the zip-file and the calculation is ran by

getdp wave_SM_HH.pro -pre wave_SilverMuller -cal -pos CExtSurf -msh

The exact solution for the extinction should be 1.0293e-14 in m^2.

Can you spot any mistakes in the GetDP problem definition (or elsewhere)?

Thanks in advance.
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