[Getdp] divergence in post-processing
Andre Antunes
andre.antunes at tuebingen.mpg.de
Tue Nov 12 13:05:54 CET 2013
I am probably missing something obvious.
In postprocessing I would like to calculate the norm of the electric field and the divergence of the electric field
Quantity {
{Name normE; Value {Local { [ Norm[-{Grad v}-dadt[]] ]; In Omega; Jacobian Volume;}}}
{Name charge; Value {Local {[ Div[-{Grad v}-dadt[]] ]; In Omega; Jacobian Volume;}}}
The first line works perfectly.
I am not able to calculate the divergence in the second line.
Tried Div(), Div[], {Div ()}. Couldn't find examples either. Would anyone be kind enough to tell where the problem is?
Best regards,