[Getdp] Magnetodynamics with cohomology conditions
Maximilian Szczesliwski
maximulianszczesliwski at gmail.com
Thu Aug 15 12:06:40 CEST 2013
I'm sorry that I have to ask for help again. Actually I'm trying to model
different electrical applications. So I use your example of a inductive
heated tube and changed the geometry to a ring that surrounds the inductor.
Theoretically there should be induced a small current caused by the
But in my calculation the current in the ring is equal to zero.
It would be great, if you could give me an advice.
Thank you once again
++++++++++++ .GEO +++++++++++
lc = 0.03; // Mesh characteristic length
lc2 = lc/2;
lc3 = 0;
front3d = 1; // Set to 1 if Frontal 3D mesh algorithm is used
nn = (1./lc)/4.; // Mesh subdivisions per turn, used with Frontal 3D
If(front3d == 1)
Mesh.Algorithm3D = 4; // Frontal 3D
turns = {20, Label "Number of coil turns"},
r = {0.11, Label "Coil radius"},
rc = {0.01, Label "Coil wire radius"},
hc = {0.2, Label "Coil height"},
ht = {0.3, Label "Tube height"},
rt1 = {0.13, Label "Tube internal radius"},
rt2 = {0.20, Label "Tube external radius"},
lb = {1, Label "Infinite box width"}
left = {1, Label "Terminals on the left?"}
// inductor
lc = 0.015; // Mesh characteristic length
lc2 = lc;
lc3 = 0;
front3d = 1; // Set to 1 if Frontal 3D mesh algorithm is used
nn = (1./lc)/4.; // Mesh subdivisions per turn, used with Frontal 3D
If(front3d == 1)
Mesh.Algorithm3D = 4; // Frontal 3D
turns = {5, Label "Number of coil turns"},
r = {0.11, Label "Coil radius"},
rc = {0.01, Label "Coil wire radius"},
hc = {0.2, Label "Coil height"},
ht = {0.3, Label "Tube height"},
rt1 = {0.081, Label "Tube internal radius"},
rt2 = {0.092, Label "Tube external radius"},
lb = {1, Label "Infinite box width"}
left = {1, Choices{0,1}, Label "Terminals on the left?"}
// inductor
p = newp;
Point(p)={0, -r, -hc/2, lc};
Point(p+1)={0, -r+rc, -hc/2, lc};
Point(p+2)={0, -r, -hc/2+rc, lc};
Point(p+3)={0, -r-rc, -hc/2, lc};
Point(p+4)={0, -r, -hc/2-rc,lc};
c = newl;
Circle(c) = {p+1,p,p+2};
Circle(c+1) = {p+2,p,p+3};
Circle(c+2) = {p+3,p,p+4};
Circle(c+3) = {p+4,p,p+1};
ll = newll;
Line Loop(ll) = {c,c+1,c+2,c+3};
s = news;
Plane Surface(s) = {ll};
tmp[] = {s};
vol_coil[] = {};
For j In {1:4*turns+(left?2:0)}
If(front3d == 1)
tmp[] = Extrude { {0,0,hc/turns/4}, {0,0,1} , {0,0,0} , Pi/2}
{ Surface {tmp[0]}; Layers {nn / 4}; };
If(front3d == 0)
tmp[] = Extrude { {0,0,hc/turns/4}, {0,0,1} , {0,0,0} , Pi/2}
{ Surface {tmp[0]}; };
vol_coil[] += tmp[1];
If(front3d == 1)
tmp[] = Extrude {(left?-1:1)*lb/2, 0, 0} { Surface{tmp[0]}; Layers{nn}; };
If(front3d == 0)
tmp[] = Extrude {(left?-1:1)*lb/2, 0, 0} { Surface{tmp[0]}; };
vol_coil[] += tmp[1];
out = tmp[0];
If(front3d == 1)
tmp[] = Extrude {-lb/2, 0, 0} { Surface{s}; Layers{nn}; };
If(front3d == 0)
tmp[] = Extrude {-lb/2, 0, 0} { Surface{s}; };
vol_coil[] += tmp[1];
in = tmp[0];
// tube
p = newp;
Point(p) = {0, 0, -hc/8, lc};
Point(p+1) = {rt1*Sin(Pi/2), rt1*Cos(Pi/2), -hc/8, lc2};
Point(p+2) = {rt1*Sin(0), rt1*Cos(0), -hc/8, lc2};
Point(p+3) = {rt1*Sin(-Pi/2), rt1*Cos(-Pi/2), -hc/8, lc2};
Point(p+4) = {rt1*Sin(Pi), rt1*Cos(Pi), -hc/8, lc2};
Point(p+5) = {rt2*Sin(Pi/2), rt2*Cos(Pi/2), -hc/8, lc2};
Point(p+6) = {rt2*Sin(0), rt2*Cos(0), -hc/8, lc2};
Point(p+7) = {rt2*Sin(-Pi/2), rt2*Cos(-Pi/2), -hc/8, lc2};
Point(p+8) = {rt2*Sin(Pi), rt2*Cos(Pi), -hc/8, lc2};
c = newc;
Circle(c) = {p+1, p, p+2};
Circle(c+1) = {p+2, p, p+3};
Circle(c+2) = {p+3, p, p+4};
Circle(c+3) = {p+4, p, p+1};
Circle(c+4) = {p+5, p, p+6};
Circle(c+5) = {p+6, p, p+7};
Circle(c+6) = {p+7, p, p+8};
Circle(c+7) = {p+8, p, p+5};
ll = newll;
Line Loop(ll) = {c+4, c+5, c+6, c+7, -c, -(c+1), -(c+2), -(c+3)};
s = news;
Plane Surface(s) = {ll};
If(front3d == 1)
tmp[] = Extrude {0,0,hc/4}{ Surface{s}; Layers{nn}; };
If(front3d == 0)
tmp[] = Extrude {0,0,hc/4}{ Surface{s}; };
vol_tube = tmp[1];
// box
p = newp;
Point(p) = {-lb/2,-lb/2,-lb/2, lc3};
Point(p+1) = {lb/2,-lb/2,-lb/2, lc3};
Point(p+2) = {lb/2,lb/2,-lb/2, lc3};
Point(p+3) = {-lb/2,lb/2,-lb/2, lc3};
Point(p+4) = {-lb/2,-lb/2,lb/2, lc3};
Point(p+5) = {lb/2,-lb/2,lb/2, lc3};
Point(p+6) = {lb/2,lb/2,lb/2, lc3};
Point(p+7) = {-lb/2,lb/2,lb/2, lc3};
l = newl;
Line(l) = {p,p+1};
Line(l+1) = {p+1,p+2};
Line(l+2) = {p+2,p+3};
Line(l+3) = {p+3,p};
Line(l+4) = {p+4,p+5};
Line(l+5) = {p+5,p+6};
Line(l+6) = {p+6,p+7};
Line(l+7) = {p+7,p+4};
Line(l+8) = {p, p+4};
Line(l+9) = {p+1, p+5};
Line(l+10) = {p+2, p+6};
Line(l+11) = {p+3, p+7};
ll = newll;
Line Loop(ll) = Boundary {Surface{in}; };
Line Loop(ll+1) = {l+8, -(l+7), -(l+11), l+3};
Line Loop(ll+2) = Boundary {Surface{out}; };
Line Loop(ll+3) = {l+9, l+5, -(l+10), -(l+1)};
Line Loop(ll+4) = {l,l+1,l+2,l+3};
Line Loop(ll+5) = {l+4,l+5,l+6,l+7};
Line Loop(ll+6) = {l+2, l+11, -(l+6), -(l+10)};
Line Loop(ll+7) = {l, l+9, -(l+4), -(l+8)};
s = news;
tmp[] = {ll+1, ll};
tmp[] += ll+2;
Plane Surface(s) = tmp[];
tmp[] = {ll+3};
tmp[] += ll+2;
Plane Surface(s+1) = tmp[];
Plane Surface(s+2) = {ll+4};
Plane Surface(s+3) = {ll+5};
Plane Surface(s+4) = {ll+6};
Plane Surface(s+5) = {ll+7};
sl = newsl;
skin_coil[] = CombinedBoundary{ Volume{vol_coil[]}; };
skin_coil[] -= {in, out};
Surface Loop(sl) = {s:s+5,skin_coil[]};
Surface Loop(sl+1) = CombinedBoundary{ Volume{vol_tube[]}; };
v = newv;
Volume(v) = {sl, sl+1};
COIL = 1000;
TUBE = 1001;
AIR = 1002;
SKIN_COIL = 2000;
SKIN_TUBE = 2001;
IN = 2002;
OUT = 2003;
INF = 2004;
Physical Volume(COIL) = {vol_coil[]};
Physical Volume(TUBE) = {vol_tube[]};
Physical Volume(AIR) = {v};
Physical Surface(SKIN_COIL) = {skin_coil[]};
Physical Surface(SKIN_TUBE) = CombinedBoundary{ Volume{vol_tube[]}; };
Physical Surface(IN) = in;
Physical Surface(OUT) = out;
Physical Surface(INF) = {s:s+5};
// Cohomology computation for the T-Omega method
Cohomology(1) {{AIR, TUBE},{}};
Cohomology(1) {{AIR, COIL},{}};
// Alternative cohomology computation for the T-Omega method
// - Faster, but requires cohomology basis selection
//Homology(2) {{TUBE},{SKIN_TUBE}};
//Homology(1) {{SKIN_COIL},{}};
//Cohomology(1) {{AIR},{}};
// Cohomology computation for the A-V method
Cohomology(1) {{COIL},{IN, OUT}};
Cohomology(1) {{TUBE},{}};
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