[Getdp] Adding PSPG/SUPG stabilization terms + Navier-Stokes equations

Xavier Dechamps xdechamp at ulb.ac.be
Mon Jan 28 10:25:37 CET 2013

Hi all

I successfully wrote a getdp code for the steady advection-diffusion equation of temperature with a fixed velocity profile... and I ask myself wether it is possible or not to add some stabilization terms? The stabilization parameter should depend on the geometry (surface...) and the velocity direction. If yes, how can it be achieved?

After this step, I look forward implementing a more complex problem : the Navier-Stokes equations. The considered problems should be restrained to simple 2D flows (lid-driven cavity, backward facing step, flow around cylinder,...) Is there anybody that already implemented this? Is it possible with getdp?


Xavier Dechamps

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