[Getdp] Inhomogeneous Tensor[{a}, {b}, ...] parameter possible?
e0208228 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Tue Oct 9 15:38:31 CEST 2012
Dear all,
Inhomogeneous scalar material parameters can be integrated into GetDP
as elements of a fully constrained nodal-based function space,
following http://www.geuz.org/pipermail/getdp/2011/001407.html.
Now I would like to do the same program for anisotropic material
parameters. I thought that some formulation like
Equation { Galerkin { [ TensorV[{a},{b},{c}]*Dof{d v} , {d v} ]; In
Domain; Integration Int; Jacobian JVol; }
would be possible, with a,b,c in certain constrained function spaces.
However, there comes the error "Non scalar argument(s) for function
So, is this function manipulation with Tensor[], TensorSym[] and
TensorDiag[] only possible with the proper functions defined on the
specific geometric parts of the domain?
Do you know about any work-around in order to have inhomogeneous
anisotropic parameters?
Thank you,