[Getdp] global energy calculation
Geordie McBain
gdmcbain at freeshell.org
Thu Oct 28 00:14:16 CEST 2010
2010/10/22 Jens Trommler <trommler at temf.tu-darmstadt.de>:
> Hi,
> I'm very new at GetDP and just played with the electro-static example.
> There, it is easily possible to calculate a local quantity like
> electric potential or electric field.
> But how can I postprocess the global energy of the electric field?
> I wasn't able to find that in any of the given examples.
I can't claim to have fully understood it, but I think the plane
capacitance example
calculates some integral quantities; e.g. the capacitance. I think
these are boundary integrals rather than domain integrals, but still a
step up from purely local quantities.