[Getdp] Newton Raphson method with a time dependent problem

Olivier Castany castany at quatramaran.ens.fr
Mon Aug 9 16:30:27 CEST 2010

> In the meantime I've compared your two JacNL-statements.
>   JacNL [ rho[] * dcdT[{T}] * Dof{T} * {T} , {T} ]
>   -> It converges very quickly in my case.
>   JacNL [ Theta[] / DTime[] * rho[] * dcdT[{T}] * Dof{T} * {T} , {T} ]
>   -> Needs much more iterations.

Interesting... For the moment, I don't understand enough how the matrix 
is built, so I don't know which version is the right one from the
theoretical point of view.

> Regarding the nonlinear magnetostatic example, I have the minus in.
> It was just lost when I pasted it to the mail. 
> To be more precise: When I use Dof in the non-JacNL part then it works
> also but it needs about twice the number of iterations. But why?

Did you keep the same JacNL term ? The JacNL term is that case is different:

Galerkin { [ mu_Steel[SquNorm[-{d phi }]] * - Dof{d phi} , {d phi} ]  ; ... }
Galerkin { JacNL[ dmudh[ - {d phi} ] * Dof{d phi} * {d phi}, {d phi} ] ; ... }

where "dmudh" should be provided adequately.
