[Getdp] GETDP setting Maximum Iterations in a none linear iterative loop???

Paul Knell paul.knell at hirst-magnetics.com
Tue Jun 15 17:11:37 CEST 2010

Hi All

I'm attempting to run getdp for a magnetic simulation using the 
solver.par file to set parameters, as the 10,000 default for max 
iterations is driving me nuts. I've tried putting this file into the 
working directories and in an /out directory and  the parameter is ignored.

Does anyone know what syntax is used to set max iterations, I've 
attempted using Nb_Max_Iter 500 to no avail. I'm using KSP, GMRES with 
-mat_no_inodes set, as running non-linear solver with PHI_PIC 
formulation. Code below.

Any help welcome



/* File "cube_magnet.pro"  */
// for 3D example b-conforming

  hcMag = 979000; // neo 40MGOe      509630;  //50963; //920000.;      // same as for original example
  //hcMag = 500000.;       // test
  Rint = 0.45 ;           // From geometry file, needed by 
  Rext = 0.5 ;           //          VolSphShell Jacobian
  NL_NbrMaxIter = 1000;   // Max nbr iterations for iteractive loop
  NL_Eps = 5.e-4;        // Convergence criterium for iteractive loop
  NL_Relax = 1.;         // Relaxation Factor for iteractive loop

  Include "GenSteel.inc";	// Data for non linear material
  Include "listhnu.dat";

Group {
  DefineGroup[ DomainInf] ;

Group {
  DefineGroup[ Domain, Domain_S , NonSteel, NonMagnet];


   Tool1 = Region[2636];
   Tool2 = Region[2640];
  // InvarInner = Region[2672]; //Invar
   Invar = Region[2682]; //Invar
   Keeper = Region[2632]; //Keeper
   //Air    = Region[430]; 
   //Core1   = Region[279];
   //Core2   = Region[280];
   Magnet1 = Region[ 279];
  Magnet2 = Region[ 280];
  Magnet   = Region[ {279, 280}];
   Air = Region[{2630}];
  AirInf = Region[{130}];

  //Outer_Boundary  =  Region[227];

  Keeper_Boundary = Region[2633];

  Tool1_Boundary = Region[2637];
  Tool2_Boundary = Region[2641];
  Invar_Boundary = Region[2683];
  //InvarOuter_Boundary = Region[2668];

  Magnet1_Boundary = Region[232];
   Magnet2_Boundary = Region[282];

  //Steel = Region[{InvarInner, InvarOuter, Keeper, Tool1, Tool2}]; //, Keeper, Tool1, Tool2

  Domain_S  =   Region[ {} ];	//DomainS_Mag  =    Region[ {Core,Steel1,Steel2} ]; 
  NonSteel =	Region[{Air, AirInf, Magnet, Domain_S}];  //AirInf
  NonMagnet =	Region[{Air, AirInf, Keeper, Tool1, Tool2,  Invar, Domain_S}]; // InvarInner, InvarOuter
  Domain =      Region[ {NonSteel,  Keeper, Tool1, Tool2 , Invar} ];  //  InvarOuter,

  Dirichlet_a   = Region[ {1000} ];       // infinity boundary
  Dirichlet_phi = Region[ {1000,1001} ];  // symetry (1000) and infinity boundary


//Include "listhnu.dat";

Function {

  mu0 = 4.e-7 * Pi ;
  muMagnet = 1.049 * mu0;	//was 1.1
  mu[ Region[ {Air,AirInf} ] ] = mu0; //, AirInf

  hc[Magnet1] = Vector[0., hcMag, 0];
  hc[Magnet2] = Vector[0., -hcMag, 0];
  js [ Domain_S ] = Vector[0, 0, 0] ;  // no currents
  nu [ Region[ {Air, AirInf}] ]  = 1. / mu0 ; //, AirInf

    mu[ Magnet1 ] = muMagnet;
   mu[ Magnet2 ] = muMagnet;
  nu [ Magnet ] = 1. / muMagnet ;

  mu [ Domain_S ] = mu0 ;
  nu [ Domain_S ] = 1. / mu0 ;

  //mu[Tool1] = 100 * mu0 ;
  //mu[Tool2] = 100 * mu0 ;

  // This is for vector magnetic potential formulation with a Newton scheme
  Steel1_nu_b2  = ListAlt[Steel1_b2, Steel1_nu] ;
  nu_Steel1[] = InterpolationAkima[$1]{List[Steel1_nu_b2]} ;
  dnudb2_Steel1[] = dInterpolationAkima[$1]{List[Steel1_nu_b2]} ;
  h_Steel1[] = nu_Steel1[(SquNorm[$1])] * $1 ;
  dhdb_Steel1[] = TensorDiag[1,1,1] * nu_Steel1[SquNorm[$1]] + 2*dnudb2_Steel1[SquNorm[$1]] * SquDyadicProduct[$1]  ;
  h[Steel1] = h_Steel1[$1]; dhdb[Steel1] = dhdb_Steel1[$1];

  // This is for scalar magnetic potential formulation with a Newton scheme
  Steel1_mu_h2  = ListAlt[Steel1_h2, Steel1_mu] ;
  mu_Steel1[] = InterpolationAkima[$1]{List[Steel1_mu_h2]} ;
  dmudh2_Steel1[] = dInterpolationAkima[$1]{List[Steel1_mu_h2]} ;
  b_Steel1[] = mu_Steel1[(SquNorm[$1#3])] * #3 ;
  dbdh_Steel1[] = TensorDiag[1,1,1] * mu_Steel1[SquNorm[$1#1]#2] + 2*dmudh2_Steel1[#2] * SquDyadicProduct[#1]  ;
  b[Steel1] = b_Steel1[$1]; dbdh[Steel1] = dbdh_Steel1[$1];
  // This is for vector magnetic potential formulation with a Newton scheme
  Steel2_nu_b2  = ListAlt[Steel2_b2, Steel2_nu] ;
  nu_Steel2[] = InterpolationAkima[$1]{List[Steel2_nu_b2]} ;
  dnudb2_Steel2[] = dInterpolationAkima[$1]{List[Steel2_nu_b2]} ;
  h_Steel2[] = nu_Steel2[(SquNorm[$1])] * $1 ;
  dhdb_Steel2[] = TensorDiag[1,1,1] * nu_Steel2[SquNorm[$1]] + 2*dnudb2_Steel2[SquNorm[$1]] * SquDyadicProduct[$1]  ;
  h[Steel2] = h_Steel2[$1]; dhdb[Steel2] = dhdb_Steel2[$1];
  // This is for scalar magnetic potential formulation with a Newton scheme
  Steel2_mu_h2  = ListAlt[Steel2_h2, Steel2_mu] ;
  mu_Steel2[] = InterpolationAkima[$1]{List[Steel2_mu_h2]} ;
  dmudh2_Steel2[] = dInterpolationAkima[$1]{List[Steel2_mu_h2]} ;
  b_Steel2[] = mu_Steel2[(SquNorm[$1#3])] * #3 ;
  dbdh_Steel2[] = TensorDiag[1,1,1] * mu_Steel2[SquNorm[$1#1]#2] + 2*dmudh2_Steel2[#2] * SquDyadicProduct[#1]  ;
  b[Steel2] = b_Steel2[$1]; dbdh[Steel2] = dbdh_Steel2[$1];

  // This is for vector magnetic potential formulation with a Newton scheme
  Steel3_nu_b2  = ListAlt[Steel3_b2, Steel2_nu] ;
  nu_Steel3[] = InterpolationAkima[$1]{List[Steel3_nu_b2]} ;
  dnudb2_Steel3[] = dInterpolationAkima[$1]{List[Steel3_nu_b2]} ;
  h_Steel3[] = nu_Steel3[(SquNorm[$1])] * $1 ;
  dhdb_Steel3[] = TensorDiag[1,1,1] * nu_Steel3[SquNorm[$1]] + 2*dnudb2_Steel3[SquNorm[$1]] * SquDyadicProduct[$1]  ;
  h[Steel3] = h_Steel3[$1]; dhdb[Steel3] = dhdb_Steel3[$1];
  // This is for scalar magnetic potential formulation with a Newton scheme
  Steel3_mu_h2  = ListAlt[Steel3_h2, Steel3_mu] ;
  mu_Steel3[] = InterpolationAkima[$1]{List[Steel3_mu_h2]} ;
  dmudh2_Steel3[] = dInterpolationAkima[$1]{List[Steel3_mu_h2]} ;
  b_Steel3[] = mu_Steel3[(SquNorm[$1#3])] * #3 ;
  dbdh_Steel3[] = TensorDiag[1,1,1] * mu_Steel3[SquNorm[$1#1]#2] + 2*dmudh2_Steel3[#2] * SquDyadicProduct[#1]  ;
  b[Steel3] = b_Steel3[$1]; dbdh[Steel3] = dbdh_Steel3[$1];

  /* This is for vector magnetic potential formulation with a Picard scheme */
  //nu[Invar] = InterpolationLinear[Norm[$1]]{List[nu_steel1_couples]};
  //nu[Keeper] = InterpolationAkima[Norm[$1]]{List[nu_steel2_couples]};
  //nu[Steel3] = InterpolationAkima[Norm[$1]]{List[nu_steel3_couples]};
  /* This is for scalar magnetic potential formulation with a Picard scheme */
  mu[Keeper] = InterpolationLinear[Norm[$1]]{List[mu_steel2_couples]};
  mu[Invar] = InterpolationAkima[Norm[$1]]{List[Alnico36_mu]}; //36
  //mu[InvarOuter] = InterpolationAkima[Norm[$1]]{List[Alnico36Outer_mu]};
  mu[Tool1] = InterpolationAkima[Norm[$1]]{List[Tool1_mu]};

mu[Tool2] = InterpolationAkima[Norm[$1]]{List[Tool2_mu]};


Constraint {
  { Name a ;
    Case {
      { Region Dirichlet_a ; Value 0. ; }

  { Name phi ;
    Case {
      { Region Dirichlet_phi ; Value 0. ; }

Constraint {

  { Name Gauge; Type Assign;
    Case {{ Region Domain ; SubRegion Boundary  ; Value 0.; }} 
  { Name a; Type Assign;
    Case {{ Region  Outer_Boundary  ; Value 0.; }}

// Val_I_1_ = 0.01 * 1000.;
  //{ Name SourceCurrentDensityZ;
  //  Case {
  //    { Region Core; Value Val_I_1_/Sc[]; }
  //  }


Jacobian {
  { Name MyJac;
    Case {
      { Region DomainInf ; Jacobian VolSphShell{Rint, Rext} ; }
      { Region All; Jacobian Vol; }


Integration {
  { Name MyInt;
    Case {
      { Type Gauss;
        Case {
          { GeoElement Tetrahedron; NumberOfPoints 4; }
          { GeoElement Triangle;    NumberOfPoints 4; }
          { GeoElement Quadrangle;  NumberOfPoints  4; }
	  { GeoElement Hexahedron  ; NumberOfPoints  6 ; }
          { GeoElement Prism       ; NumberOfPoints  9 ; } 

FunctionSpace {
  { Name Hcurl_a ; Type Form1P ;
    BasisFunction {
      { Name se ; NameOfCoef ae ; Function BF_PerpendicularEdge ;
        Support Domain ; Entity NodesOf[ All ] ; }
    Constraint {
      { NameOfCoef ae ; EntityType NodesOf ; NameOfConstraint a ; }
  { Name Hgrad_phi; Type Form0;
    BasisFunction {
      { Name sn; NameOfCoef phin; Function BF_Node;
        Support Domain; Entity NodesOf[ All ]; }
    Constraint {
      { NameOfCoef phin ; EntityType NodesOf ; NameOfConstraint phi ; }

Formulation {

  { Name MagSta_phi_pic; Type FemEquation;
    Quantity {
      { Name phi; Type Local; NameOfSpace Hgrad_phi; }
    Equation {
      Galerkin { [ - mu[ {d phi} ] * Dof{d phi} , {d phi} ];
                 In Domain; Jacobian MyJac; Integration MyInt; }
      Galerkin { [ - mu[] * hc[] , {d phi} ];
                 In Magnet; Jacobian MyJac; Integration MyInt; }

Resolution {
  { Name MagSta_phi_pic;
    System {
      { Name A; NameOfFormulation MagSta_phi_pic; }
    Operation {
      InitSolution [A];
      IterativeLoop[NL_NbrMaxIter, NL_Eps, NL_Relax] {
        GenerateJac[A]; SolveJac[A];


PostProcessing {

  { Name MagSta_phi_pic; NameOfFormulation MagSta_phi_pic;
    Quantity {
      //{ Name phi; Value { Local { [ {phi} ]     ; In Domain; Jacobian MyJac;} } }
      //{ Name h;   Value { Local { [ - {d phi} ] ; In Domain; Jacobian MyJac;} } }
      { Name b;   Value
               //Local { [ - mu[] * {d phi} ]        ; In NonSteel ; Jacobian MyJac; }
               Local { [ - mu[ {d phi} ] * {d phi} ] ; In Domain   ; Jacobian MyJac; }
               Local { [ - mu[] * hc[] ]             ; In Magnet   ; Jacobian MyJac; }
	       //Local { [ - mu[] * {d phi} ]        ; In Magnet ; Jacobian MyJac; }
      //{ Name mu;   Value { Local { [mu[]] ; In Magnet; Jacobian MyJac;} } }

PostOperation {

  { Name phi_pic; NameOfPostProcessing MagSta_phi_pic;
    Operation {
      // Basic values
      //Print[ phi, OnElementsOf Domain, File "phi_pic.pos"] ;
      Print[ b,   OnElementsOf Domain, File "b_phi_pic.pos"] ;
      //Print[ h,   OnElementsOf Domain, File "h_phi_pic.pos"] ;   
      //{ Name mu;   Value { Local { [{-mu[]} ] ; In Magnet; Jacobian MyJac;} } }
      //Print[ mu,   OnElementsOf Magnet, File "mu_phi_pic.pos"] ; 



            Matrix_Format            1
          Matrix_Printing            0
           Matrix_Storage            0
                  Scaling            0
    Renumbering_Technique            1
           Preconditioner            2
  Preconditioner_Position            2
                  Nb_Fill           20
    Permutation_Tolerance         0.05
       Dropping_Tolerance            0
    Diagonal_Compensation            0
               Re_Use_ILU            0
                Algorithm            8
              Krylov_Size           40
          IC_Acceleration            1
                Re_Use_LU            0
    Iterative_Improvement            0
              Nb_Iter_Max         500
            Stopping_Test       1e-010