[Getdp] Contour integral

Amit.Itagi at seagate.com Amit.Itagi at seagate.com
Fri Jan 30 17:58:07 CET 2009


I have a 2D problem, with the unknown a vector V, defined using basis
BF_NodeX and BF_NodeY.  The continuous 2D domain is partitioned into
several contiguous regions. A scalar parameter "f" is constant over a
partition and undergoes a discontinuity across an interface. In the weak
formulation, I end up with a terms of the form

Integral over the boundary of a partition of  { f  div[vec(V)]
[vec(W)*unitVec(n)] }, where W is the test vector, n is the unit outward
normal to the contour and * represents the dot product.

Since f is discontinous across the interface, the integrals do not cancel
while traversing the interface twice (for adjacent regions). How do I
represent this term in the formulation ?

