[Getdp] Two dimensional interpolation

Sunil Ramgopal Tatavarty tatavasl at iis.fraunhofer.de
Thu Oct 4 18:26:02 CEST 2007

Hello All,

I found the following links in the atchives regarding a possible 
solution to the problem(  
http://www.geuz.org/pipermail/getdp/2007/001055.html  ) i had :



I have a questions with respect to these threads .Would it  be better to 
implement  a position dependant function for the thermal source  by 
writng a new function code  (say "InterpolationBiLinear"  analogous to 
"InterpolationLinear" ) which accepts two arguments (the co-ordinates  
of   node  X[] &  Y[] and performs 2D interpolation)  in manner 
mentioned at the end of this mail

Is there any documentation available for the source code?..or is it 
possible for someone to give an abstract level of the software flow ?



Group {

#include "HeatSource.dat"; // definition of the list  Q

Function {
  q[] = InterpolationBiLinear[$1][$2]{List[lambda]};

Formulation {
    Equation {
      Galerkin { [ q[{X[],Y[]}] , {n} ]; In Sur1; Integration I1; 
Jacobian JSur;  }
//     X        Y    Qvalue
       0,        0,     1440,
       0,        1,     1440,
        1,       0,     2870,
       1998, 1999,  3004
        1999, 1999,3010
