[Getdp] [GetDP] Calculation of an Integral quantity

Olivier Castany castany at quatramaran.ens.fr
Thu May 3 23:57:08 CEST 2007

> since the discussion seems to be about XS[] or $XS, perhaps I can ask a 
> dumb question. I was trying to figure out what the difference is between 
> XS[] or $XS on one hand, and X[] or $X on the other hand, but I failed. 
> I was hoping XS could be defined on one surface, and X on an other, but 
> probably not. Can you tell me, in a nutshell, the meaning of XS vs. X? 
> And for that matter, of Normal[] vs. NormalSource[]?


I created wiki pages. See : 

- XS[] and $XS are probably the same but XS[] should be used in future 
versions. However, only $XS works with the current official version.

- an integral quantity is calculated the following way :
Q(X,...) = \int_{XS,...} q(X,XS,...)

