[Getdp] "projection formulation" failed

Christophe Trophime christophe.trophime at grenoble.cnrs.fr
Tue Aug 30 17:19:31 CEST 2005

I have tried the following formulation just to try to project
Distribution[] on to {e}:

  FunctionSpace {
    { Name H_Elec_Axi ; Type Form0 ;
      BasisFunction {
        //      e  e
        { Name ue ; NameOfCoef ue ; Function BF_Node ;
          Support DomainR_Mag ; Entity NodesOf[ All ] ; }
      Constraint {
        { NameOfCoef ue ; EntityType NodesOf ;
          NameOfConstraint ElectricalPotential_Axi ; }
  Formulation {
    { Name ElectroStatics_Axi ; Type FemEquation ;
      Quantity {
        { Name e  ; Type Local ; NameOfSpace H_Elec_Axi ; }
      Equation {
        Galerkin { [ Dof{e } , {e} ]  ; In DomainR_Mag ;
                   Jacobian VolAxi ; Integration CurlCurl ; }
        Galerkin { [ - Distribution[], {e} ] ; In DomainR_Mag ;
                   Jacobian VolAxi ; Integration CurlCurl ; }

  Resolution {
    { Name ElectroSta_Axi ;
      System {
        { Name Sys_Elec ; NameOfFormulation ElectroStatics_Axi ; Solver
"Sys_Elec.par"; }
      Operation {
        Generate Sys_Elec ; Solve Sys_Elec ; SaveSolution Sys_Elec ;

  PostProcessing {
    { Name ElectroSta_Axi ; NameOfFormulation ElectroStatics_Axi ;
      PostQuantity {
        { Name e  ; Value { Local { [ {e} ]          ; In DomainS_Mag ;
Jacobian VolAxi ; } } }
	{ Name js  ; Value { Local { [ sigma[] * {e} ] ; In DomainS_Mag ;
Jacobian VolAxi ; } } }

whatever I tried I always end up with a 0 solution (even if I force a
Dirichlet BC on DomainR_Mag).

I must misunderstand some points. Any help is welcome!