[Getdp] Stranded Inductor equations in AV-formulation
Kristof Geldhof
kristof.geldhof at ugent.be
Wed Apr 20 16:48:41 CEST 2005
I have difficulties to understand the meaning of following equations for handling stranded inductors in an Av-formulation.
Equation {
Galerkin { [ - Ns[]/Sc[] * Dof{ir} , {a} ] ; In DomainB_Mag ; ...}
Galerkin { DtDof [ Ns[]/Sc[] * Dof{a} , {ir} ] ; In DomainB_Mag ; ...}
Galerkin { [ Ns[]*Ns[]/(Sc[]*Sc[])/sigma[] * Dof{ir} , {ir} ] ; ... }
GlobalTerm { [ Dof{Ub} , {Ib} ] ; In DomainB_Mag ; }
These equations are copied from the getdp-mailinglist message 'Questions about GetDP - Valparaiso - Chile', July 27 2000.
I tried to verify these equations. According to chapter 3 in C. Geuzaines thesis I started from the magnetodynamic h-formulation:
d/dt[mu*h,h'] + [1/sigma*rot h,rot h'] + [1/sigma*js,rot h'] + <n x e,h'> = 0
and expressed it in terms of the magnetic vector potential a (b = rot a), with test functions hsi (rot hsi = jsi, with jsi the unit current density in each winding of the stranded inductor):
d/dt[a,jsi] + Ii*(1/sigma*jsi,jsi) + Vi = 0
With Ii the current through the stranded inductor and Vi the voltage over the stranded inductor.
How does this equation correspond to the equations formulated in GetDP? Sorry if this seems a straightforward question but I am not a finite element specialist.
Thanks in advance for helping,
Kristof Geldhof
ir. Kristof Geldhof
Electrical Energy Laboratory (EELAB)
Dept. of Electrical Energy, Systems and Automation (EESA)
Ghent University (TW08)
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B-9000 Ghent - Belgium
Phone: +32 9 264 34 42, Fax.: +32 9 264 35 82
kristof.geldhof at ugent.be
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