[Getdp] frequency slip

Johan Gyselinck Johan.Gyselinck at ulb.ac.be
Wed Nov 3 11:16:44 CET 2004


Concerning the well-known "slip method" (multiplying the conductivity of 
the bars by the slip value), I suggest that you have a look in a book on 
the application of the FE method to electrical machines. There are also 
many papers dealing with this method.

Concerning the iron loss calculation, there are many approaches for 
doing that, ranging for very simple & pragmatic to very complicated.


Prof. Dr. ir. Johan Gyselinck, Chargé de Cours
Free University of Brussels (ULB), Department of Electrical Engineering
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 50, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
phone: +32 (0) 2 650 26 69 -- fax: +32 (0) 2 650 26 53
email: Johan.Gyselinck at ulb.ac.be