[Getdp] Problem with description of magnetisation - attachment
Christophe Geuzaine
Christophe.Geuzaine at ulg.ac.be
Wed Oct 3 09:17:16 CEST 2001
Oups, I should be more careful with attachments. Here is t5.pro:
Group {
Magnet = Region[ 1 ];
Domain = Region[ {Magnet, 2, 3, 4, 10} ];
Function {
mu[] = 4.e-7 * Pi;
hc[ Magnet ] = Vector[0., 920000., 0.];
Jacobian {
{ Name MyJac;
Case {
{ Region All; Jacobian Vol; }
Integration {
{ Name MyInt;
Case {
{ Type Gauss;
Case {
{ GeoElement Tetrahedron; NumberOfPoints 5; }
FunctionSpace {
{ Name Hgrad_phi; Type Form0;
BasisFunction {
{ Name sn; NameOfCoef phin; Function BF_Node;
Support Domain; Entity NodesOf[ All ]; }
// uncomment the following for 2nd order interpolation:
//{ Name sn2; NameOfCoef phin2; Function BF_Node_2E;
// Support Domain; Entity EdgesOf[ All ]; }
Formulation {
{ Name MagSta_phi; Type FemEquation;
Quantity {
{ Name phi; Type Local; NameOfSpace Hgrad_phi; }
Equation {
Galerkin { [ - mu[] * Dof{d phi} , {d phi} ];
In Domain; Jacobian MyJac; Integration MyInt; }
Galerkin { [ - mu[] * hc[] , {d phi} ];
In Magnet; Jacobian MyJac; Integration MyInt; }
Resolution {
{ Name MagSta_phi;
System {
{ Name A; NameOfFormulation MagSta_phi; }
Operation {
Generate[A]; Solve[A]; SaveSolution[A];
PostProcessing {
{ Name MagSta_phi; NameOfFormulation MagSta_phi;
Quantity {
{ Name phi; Value { Local { [ {phi} ]; In Domain; Jacobian MyJac;
} } }
{ Name b; Value { Local { [ - mu[] * {d phi} ]; In Domain;
Jacobian MyJac; }
Local { [ - mu[] * hc[] ]; In Magnet; Jacobian
MyJac; } } }
{ Name hn; Value { Local { [ Norm[{d phi}] ]; In Domain; Jacobian
MyJac; } } }
{ Name fct; Value { Local { [ Sin[X[]]*Sin[3*Y[]]*Sin[1.5*Z[]] ];
In Domain; Jacobian MyJac; } } }
PostOperation {
{ Name phi; NameOfPostProcessing MagSta_phi;
Operation {
Print[ fct, OnElementsOf Domain, File "fct.pos"];
Print[ phi, OnElementsOf Domain, File "phi.pos"];
Print[ b, OnCut {{0,0,1}{1,0,0}{1,1,0}}, File "b.pos" ];
Print[ hn, OnCut {{0,0,1}{1,0,0}{1,1,0}}, File "hn.pos" ];
Christophe Geuzaine
Tel: 32 (0) 4 366 37 10 http://geuz.org
Fax: 32 (0) 4 366 29 10 mailto:Christophe.Geuzaine at ulg.ac.be